Archive for the ‘MS Teams’ Category

Her er en liten post på at nå er det endelig mulig å arkivere kanaler i Teams.Er du en eier av Teamet kan du klikke på de tre … på kanalen og velge å arkivere

by Thorbjørn Værp on Mar 21, 2024 in MS Teams


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Denne artikkelen er en liten introduksjon og mine tips til å ta i bruk Viva Goals. Viva Goals er et rent ledelses verktøy innen familien Viva til Microsoft. Du trenger en lisens, som for tiden

by Thorbjørn Værp on Mar 15, 2023 in Microsoft Viva, MS Teams continue reading

Det vi skal få til i dagens post er å lage ditt eget SharePoint bibliotek med lærings materiale i mange formater (video, dokumenter, bilder, lenker) for deretter å publisere det til Viva Learning applikasjonen i

by Thorbjørn Værp on Nov 9, 2022 in MS Teams, Uncategorized


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Unable to change to spesific Guest tenants, you receive the error  “Your account is blocked” ? The problem is probably that your account is on the Risky sign-ins list in (your tenants) Azure Active Directory.

by Thorbjørn Værp on Feb 20, 2020 in Azure, MS Teams, Tip


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Do you have some old OneNotes added in your Microsoft Teams channel? Or just wanna move or organize some OneNotes, here’s howto do it by the use of Windows Explorer (jupp that’s right good old

by Thorbjørn Værp on Mar 27, 2018 in MS Teams, Tip


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From the KeyNote at Ignite today we saw a demonstration of HoloLens integrated with Microsoft Teams. A digital transformation of a key businesss prosess at Ford. Before After 1 After 2 Same in Teams Live

by Thorbjørn Værp on Sep 25, 2017 in MS Teams continue reading

Groups been along a while longer then Teams, some of you out there probably got a lot of Groups that you would have loved to upgrade with a MS Teams channel. No worries it’s as

by Thorbjørn Værp on Jun 28, 2017 in MS Teams, Office365, Tip


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