Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Det vi skal få til i dagens post er å lage ditt eget SharePoint bibliotek med lærings materiale i mange formater (video, dokumenter, bilder, lenker) for deretter å publisere det til Viva Learning applikasjonen i

by Thorbjørn Værp on Nov 9, 2022 in MS Teams, Uncategorized


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Lorem Ipsum

by Thorbjørn Værp on Nov 2, 2016 in Uncategorized continue reading

WOW the spam Bots are getting so much smarter –close to artificial intelligence. My WordPress moderation panel contains overwhelming 17.215 comments avaiting approval. The latest Bot suggest I should buy Alprazolam… Alprazolam what the heck

by Thorbjørn Værp on Jan 6, 2014 in Uncategorized continue reading

Welcome to my blog about SharePoint 2013

by Thorbjørn Værp on Oct 8, 2012 in Info, Uncategorized


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