We recently upgraded and migrated a SharePoint 2010 Intranet to 2013 version. In this post I like to share with you some of the tips and tricks including the PShell scripts used to migrate MySite from a branded 2010 template to Microsoft standard 2013 version of MySite.
The first not so succeccfull part of the 2010 Intranet was the MySite. In most cases I see that MySite isn’t that widely used by the enduser in 2010, I hope this will change in 2013 with OneDrive, Newsfeedm Yammer and the rest of the Social støff
The first PS script we used listed all the users and the size in MB of their MySite collection. Thank You Espen Olsen & Mickael Pedersen!
Get-SPSite -limit all | select url,owner, @{Name="Size"; Expression={"{0:N2} MB" -f ($_.Usage.Storage/1000000)}} | export-csv c:\temp\tt.csv
Result (Example):
#TYPE Selected.Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite
#TYPE Selected.Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite
"http://SharePoint:84/personal/User2","UIA\user2","1,90 MB"
"http://SharePoint:84/personal/User3","UIA\user3","1,90 MB"
With this data we can use for example ShareGate to migrate the data from 2010 to 2013 MySite for the endusers, or simply just help the users to copy their data themselves. In this Intranet we kept the 2010 MySite for some weeks, changed the host header and created a Link in the new 2013 Newsfeed for the end users. In this way the users can easily copy relevant data.
Of the approx.1000 users in this Intranet only 50 used MySite to storage files beyond profile picture. I wonder if this is a Norwegian phenomenon or a global saying that MySite is not the place to hold my personal files??
On the other hand 491 users had uploaded a profile picture. So we created a script to download the images from 2010 MySite to a folder on the server.
(Link to download all the scripts at the end of this article; disclaimer: use at your own risk, and remember to test before you run in prod environment)
Now we need to delete the MThumb and SThumb files, and rename and trim them.
Finally we import the ProfilePicture files to 2013
That’s it –we have data in SkyDrive and profile pictures for Newsfeed and all Social activities in SP 2013. DOWNLOAD PS SCRIPTS HERE
Big thanks to the Dream Team: Espen Olsen, Fredrik R. Andresen, Emil Nilsson adn Mickael Pederse. You guys ROCK!
Live long and prosper!